Personal Success Courses
An effective person is an effective worker. If you are constantly overwhelmed by work problems and financial troubles, it is hard to accomplish anything. Take control of your life and finances by striking a balance. Learn to priortise what is important towards achieving success for yourself.

Managing Your Money: A Layman's Winning Approach™
Are you trying to make more while losing what you have?
Everyone wants more money, yet most people just simply do not know what to do with the money they already have. They either increase their expenditure with their increased earnings or they gamble away their excess money thinking that they are investing and as a result, may incur financial difficulties. People with financial problems often perform poorly in their workplace.
Using a step-by-step process, this workshop guides the participants to maximize their earnings, avoid financial difficulties, invest and plan for their future. It also opens up the eyes of the participants to see clearly from the layman’s point of view what lies behind various types of financial products and instruments out in the market. This will enable the participants to navigate the financial minefield safely and see through the jungle of hypes and complexities by many so-called “financial advisors”.

Enliven Your Work and Life
Would you like to discover the keys to enliven your work and life? Have you often felt that you can accomplish greater things, yet lack the drive and the know-how to go about achieving them?
How do we see the value in our work so that each morning, when we awake, we look forward to it and are not driven to the boredom of routine work? How do we also enhance our life and create that spice in our life?
Join us for an interesting 2 days of discovery and application of the art of pepping up both your work and life, to make them more meaningful and derive more satisfaction and happiness from both work and life.

Managing Your Money II: Charting Your Financial Future™
Bewildered by financial jargon? Confused by all the terms used by your banker?
A continuation of the wildly successful "Managing Your Money" series. Continue on your financial success journey by equipping yourself with essential skills. Gain more indepth knowledge on how to identify and value various investment asset classes. Kept simple and easy-to-follow so that everybody can quickly grasp the concepts and apply immediately towards charting their financial future.

Achieving More Through Life-Balance and Goal Setting
Do you ever wish that you could achieve more in your work and life?
Almost everyone wants to achieve more and enjoy more in life. Yet most people do not really know what they want in life. They end up working hard their entire life; and in the end, have little to show. Goal-setting is the first step in constructing a plan to achieve your dreams. It is the key to success. Work-life balance is the key to enjoying the journey of our success. This workshop aims to lead the participants to discover what are important to them and to leverage on their strengths and talents to achieve more through Goal-Setting and enjoy more through Work-Life Balance.

Recharging Techniques for Stress Relief
Work can be a breeze if you can master your mind over matter.
In today's fast-moving world, stress has virtually become a way of life. We have to cope with life's changes, job demands, difficult people, disappointments, and various challenges at the workplace. One thing is for certain, we can never change these factors of life, but, we can change how they affect our lives. Stress can manifest itself in various forms and in this workshop, we will deal with two in question: Anger and Anxiety. This program provides a powerful technique and strategies that can allow a person to manage stress and gain mastery over his life.